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Be Cautious of an IRS Phone Scam

Posted by Meredith Rines Posted on July 05 2016



Be cautious of an IRS Phone Scam


Did you know someone is posing as the IRS to target the elderly?  They call and say that are with the IRS and are needing more information or payment. 


They sound convincing, but do not give any confidential information or payment over the phone.  It could be someone trying to scam you out of your money.


The scammers will try to put pressure on those on the other end of the phone.  They will threaten to send the police to your home for failure to pay or revoke your driver’s license.


Do not be fooled!  Even the caller ID will say they are the IRS, but they aren’t!


If the IRS needs any information from you, then they will typically contact you by mail first.  The IRS will hardly ever call someone, unless you have an audit ongoing.  If you receive any letters or statements from the IRS that you are not expecting, it’s best to bring them to your tax professional. 


If you receive any calls from someone claiming to be from the IRS and need payment, please me cautious.  Call your tax professional first to be sure before handing over any credit card or payment information.